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March 12, 2025

Spring Pictures

If you are purchasing your child's Spring pictures, please send the order forms back to the school as soon as possible. Below is the picture order form sent home with your child's information so that. . .

March 5, 2025

Gaming Safety Awareness

Gaming Safety Awareness - District Wide Parent Workshop. See flyer for more information. Concientizacin Sobre la Seguridad en los Juegos - Taller para padres del distrito. Mire el folleto para obt. . .

A woman with long dark hair smiles while wearing a black blazer and glasses.

Jennifer Condado
Phone 713-740-0664

Regular Days: 7:45 am - 3:05 pm 
Early Dismissal Days: 7:45 am - 12:05 pm

Dear Morales Elementary Parents,

For over 20 years, I have had the honor of serving Morales Elementary. As a proud graduate of Pasadena ISD, I am excited to continue supporting our community.

This year's theme is “Dream, Believe, and Achieve.” We encourage your children to dream big, as we believe that together, we can help them achieve anything they set their minds to.

My staff and I are dedicated to fostering each student's social and academic growth to prepare them for the future. To fulfill this commitment, it is crucial for your child to attend school every day, on time, for the entire day. We will continue to prioritize student safety and maintain a positive environment, making Morales the best place to learn.

Your Principal, 
Jennifer Condado


Our Mission Statement
The mission of Pasadena ISD, the gateway to unlimited opportunity for our culturally rich community, is to empower students to become accomplished, self-directed, collaborative, lifelong learners, who boldly contribute to an increasingly complex and evolving world by engaging them in positive relationships, rigorous curriculum, and innovative meaningful experiences.

305 W. Harris, Pasadena, Texas 77506